1 Corinthians 3&4 in light of God’s eternal purpose
The New Testament was written by either apostles or trusted men of their day when the meaning and purpose of God’s kingdom was not so ambiguous or confused as it is today.
This study of First Corinthians 3 & 4 is set against the backdrop of what happened in church history – and encourages believers to aim for God’s original vision and way
Lord bless you.
Lesson Handout
Why does God offer to save humanity through faith in Jesus Christ?
Many reasons. More than most people normally consider or hold in their consciousness as they seek to live their “Christian” lives. Following is a partial listing …
Some major reasons:
That God is glorified in all things. This is only right. It reestablishes what is righteous.
A testimony to all fallen creatures. It is to the praise of God’s glory that …
o Sinful people turn away from serving self (and being slaves to Satan) and receive from God the power to live holy and free from sin (John 8:34,35; Rom. 6)
o They demonstrate transformed characters from the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit (Gal 2:20)
o They do not fill carnal minds chock full of head knowledge (1 Cor 3) as is common in Christianity today, but “come to” Jesus surrendered (Jn 5:39,40)
o They put Jesus first and seek to know His voice, not a stranger or doctrines of fallen men (Jn 10). (The din of conflicting voices is not of God. God only unifies.)
o They seek His will all the time in every detail of their lives (Eph 6:6; Matt 6:33)
o They stay mindful of why they now live – no longer for themselves (1 Cor 6:20)
If they really have Christ’s love in them that should produce a profound and evident change in them
If they really have His Holy Spirit guiding and empowering them that should make for a profound change
Test by fruit. (Matt 7:16-18)
Keep eye on the mark (Phil 3:14)
Predestined to become transformed into God’s image (Rom 8:29)
Christianity is not about us, it is about God. It is about the kingdom of God.
American-style theology always caters to the individual (WIIFM)
God wants a people (1 Pet 2:4-10). He calls for a people who can bring Him praise
Our first responsibility above all is to simply know God (Jn 17:3) and do His will daily
He assigns the agenda and tasks, we are not to be self-guided (Rom 8:14)
The purpose of grace is more than God’s leniency (1 Cor 15:10). It is the empowerment to pursue holiness, without which no one will see God (Heb 12:14) It is space to learn what it means to be truly spiritual – utterly new creatures. Changed into Christ’s likeness.
All the gifts of the Spirit and God’s benefits – even hope in heaven itself – are to follow our following Jesus. They are not themselves the end goal. The purpose is to make us yielded vessels in whom God truly dwells and has mastery.
The Great Commission is not the pinnacle purpose. The first purpose is to be yielded to the true God, make sure you really know Him, pray often, and about everything, and then He can make you useful in His season.
” You cannot teach what you do not know.
” You cannot give what you do not have.
God wants yielded vessels who know Him, who they are in Him, and love to do His will above all things. We were saved for this reason. He is Lord and knows the many needs we may also perceive.
Our first calling is to Him. Jesus gives us Himself.