Easter Sunday – Resurrection Life Every Day – Audio Sermon
April 12, 2020 /While the world celebrates easter – and some boycott it – this message advocates what God says about the resurrection life.
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Christians have nothing more important to do than become like Jesus – audio sermon
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Christianity is to be dependent on God and ‘taught by God’ – audio sermon
February 9, 2020 /The goal of the gospel is to follow in Jesus’ footsteps. He was utterly dependant upon the Father and showed what is possible for a man filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus said also we as His sheep are to be dependent upon Him and He in grace will teach us. This is to create a holy dynamic of being to God’s glory.
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What it is to be ‘spiritual’ like Jesus and why you should you care
January 5, 2020 /Jesus was spiritual. As God and man in one He was the most dynamic Person who ever lived. He said His secret would be made available to those who followed Him and received the Holy Spirit. If they really did, there would be evidence and “fruit” of it. By the New Testament’s standards it is clear one may be a real believer in Jesus and yet not be spiritual. This message overviews the ins and outs of this, and lets the Bible speak. May the Lord bless you!
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Christianity’s root problem
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Many Christians prove they do not know Jesus’ voice – audio sermon
December 22, 2019 /Many Christians prove they do not know Jesus’ voice. Sorry if that sounds harsh, or arrogant. It is really said in sadness, and ultimately its truth is self evident. John 10 – 4 And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. 5 Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.” If Christians did know and follow Jesus’ voice as Jesus and the New Testament writers defined it, they would not bear witness against one another about the way of the faith.
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Is salvation by faith alone or faith plus good works?
December 7, 2019 /Either / Or? So many Protestants are looking at the salvation in Jesus Christ question as “Either/Or.” Either it is by faith alone, period. … Or it by faith plus good works (or works alone – (gasp!). Neither extremes are the spirit of the truth the New Testament teaches. Actually, there is a THIRD OTHER answer …
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Is salvation by faith alone or faith plus good works?
Either / Or? So many Protestants are looking at the salvation in Jesus Christ question as “Either/Or.” Either it is by faith alone, period. … Or it by faith plus good works (or works alone – (gasp!). Neither extremes are the spirit of the truth the New Testament teaches. Actually, there is a THIRD OTHER answer …