
Jesus’ warning that ‘many’ missed though it was clearly stated
Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount prophesied “many” would take a “broad” way that leads to destruction and only “few” would take a “narrow” gate to eternal life.
Matthew 7 – 13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
There are many – same word intentionally used – who may assume the “many” Jesus referred to are those who pursue other religions, or no faith, but that is not true. Jesus was addressing God seekers and the subject was the true way to life. Jesus was a Jew and His ministry was in and around the epicenter of the Jews, the people of the true God. Jesus was seen as a prophet or teacher of the things of the true God. The subject at hand was how to come to the true God, and what He wants from people.
The statement about “many” taking a broad way to destruction and “few” taking a narrow way to life is in chapter 7, the third of three chapters – Matthew 5-7 – in which the Sermon on the Mount is given. Jesus’ entire Sermon is setting expectations, as it were, and discussing the way to eternal life for those who would follow the true and only God.
From Matthew 5-7 Jesus’ teachings contrast right ways and wrong ways. That is the theme of the Sermon. For example in Matthew 5, He repeats the saying “you have heard that it was said to those of old … but I say to you.” And in Matthew 6, Jesus contrasts right and wrong ways of charitable deeds, prayer, fasting and He establishes more of what God expects. The standard goes above the Old Testament Jews’ standards and the whole theme therefore is of the right vs. wrong way to practice the faith.
Its makes perfect sense therefore that in His parting words, He warns in chapter 7 with a contrasts a “broad” false way with a “narrow” true way. Jesus is consistent in His use of contrast.
To suggest a “broad” way is merely taken by someone not even seeking the true God is to miss the point. Jesus did not need to talk about false religions. It is a given their way is to destruction. Of course one could say false religious or atheistic ways also are a “broad” way, but that is not what Jesus was really speaking of when He spoke of a “broad” way that “many” would take. Jesus was addressing those wanting to follow the true faith and it bears repeating He counterpointed the true (narrow) way against false (broad) ways.
His description of a “broad” way speaks of theologically liberal, or easier, or simplified, or outright false ways taken by those who otherwise call themselves Christian. He was not just talking about Christians who blatantly sin when they know not to. Jesus was alluding to broad ways of practicing the faith – theological ways, personal thoughts, approaches to following God that are wider – broader – in some way than the true and only narrow way (that must be revealed by God).
Christianity was originally known as the Way. It is written the way was understood in the first century. Jesus says the true Way is narrow. To contrast a “broad” way speaks of a different format of Christian practice that somehow deviates from the “narrow” way.
We can see further evidence Jesus’ reference to a “broad” way spoke of a false or invalid way in a parallel passage in Luke’s gospel. In Luke 13, Jesus says “strive to enter the narrow gate,” indicating He is again speaking of the “narrow” and “broad” way. In Luke’s gospel Jesus adds dimension saying “many” will even seek to enter the narrow way to life and not be able! Jesus is generally prophesying many will be in some way unqualified in God’s estimation and seek the true Christian life and fall short. Maybe they will hold to sin. Maybe, as some Protestant Reformation teachings popularized, they will misunderstand grace and being no longer under law, as Paul taught. If they misunderstand Paul and practice “lawlessness” (see Mt 7:23, and Mt 24:12) or otherwise permit what God considers impermissible, that is a textbook definition of a liberal or “broad” way.
Or, maybe the ones on a broad way will fail to meet other conditions Jesus stated on who could be His disciple (Jn 3:3,5; Lk 14:26-33, Mt 18:3, etc.). Maybe they will have redefined the Christian faith in some way so that what they practice is not conducive to their entering God’s rest (Heb 4:1-11) and abiding in Christ as the first Christians knew and understood it in the first century. Some how, people will strive to enter, Jesus says, and not be able.
So, Jesus prophesied in Matthew 7 that “many” will take a broad way to destruction, and in Luke 13 He said “many” will even try to become followers of the true God and will not be able.
The ramifications of this are profound. In speaking of “many” who would seek to enter, but wind up in destruction, Jesus prophesied many would call themselves Christian, but in vain. He also prophesied therefore degradation of the pure church He began.
What does this say of human beings’ capacity to be deceived? How many today who call themself after Christ’s name and hope to go to heaven are in grave error? It is certain in the hindsight of history “many” did change the terms and conditions of the faith. There are thousands of divisions and sects today with subtle or great differences between them. Many have made their way of practicing the faith more easy going so as to offer humans the blessing and promise of eternal life they want while not giving God all He wants. Others may appear more strict, even very strict, and even bind followers with rules and requirements, but they may do so in a system of man’s origination, and be largely or wholly of the flesh, and not Spirit. Jesus says there is a “narrow” way “few” find. That speaks of a minority as opposed to a “broad” majority of those who seek the blessings only God can give.
In a subsequent article, many more verses will be shown that beyond Jesus’ words, the New Testament epistles also prophesy by the Holy Spirit false teachings would infiltrate the church and corruptions would come in with unwanted consequences following. Indeed, numerous New Testament epistles were written to specifically combat false teaching and fleshly demon-guided would-be leaders and fleshly misguided church members from the beginning.
What Jesus said of the Many / Few
Though Jesus said many will take a broad way, this speaks of many ways, any way, that is not the narrow way. The narrow way is followed by those who obey Jesus’ voice, walk in the light, love God above all else, and abide in Christ. These walk according to the Spirit, worship in spirit and truth, keep the faith, do not practice dead works or works of the flesh. They are known by their fruit.
Following are the verses Jesus spoke on the Church of the Many, as it were, and the few. It is recommended you pray to the Lord and ask Him how this may relate to you:
Matt 7 – 13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
Jesus gave a warning for all times. Humans may wish to ignore it or sweep it away, but it is a dire warning about “many” who take a broad way that leads to destruction. This “broad” way is NOT merely false religious ways or the path of non-Christians. Jesus here is talking about true God seekers who wish to go to heaven. He is saying Christianity is a “difficult” path and a “narrow” way that “few find.”
Therefore Jesus speaks of the “many” who will seek to join the faith but who are washouts or failures or frauds, and “few” who really make it and go to heaven.
If anyone has any doubts that the “MANY” is a reference to true God seekers who fall short, Jesus referenced them in Luke 13 also:
Luke 13 – 23 Then one said to Him, “Lord, are there few who are saved?” And He said to them, 24 “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able.
Here Jesus is speaking of the same imagery – a narrow gate, few, and many. He is asked “are there few who are saved?” His answer is an implicit YES. Only a few are saved. He speaks again of the “narrow” gate –
24 “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able.
So Jesus speaks of the CHURCH OF THE MANY and the FEW.
Back in Matthew 7, just a few verses down, Jesus reiterates the talk of “many.”
Matt 7 – 21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
The “many” Jesus refers to is like a MAJORITY of wanna-be Christ followers. This verse is in context with the “many” who will take a “broad” way. These “many,” says Jesus, will come to Him on judgment day fully expecting to be let into heaven. Three times over they declare they did exceptionally big things in the “name” of Christ.
Jesus is making an example of these supposed high-achieving Christians to emphasize a point: He was not kidding the way is “narrow” and “difficult,” and “few” find it, and “many” take a “broad” way to “destruction.”
This account in Matt 7:21-23 is the “destruction” the “many” will face. They are rejected by Christ after having lived a life of alleged high-achieving Christ followers who did great works.
Jesus never denies they were workers who served under the “name” of Christ. They repeat it three times to Him in their defense. He does not say they did not live as purported Christ followers. Jesus indicts them as follows:
- They did not do the will of His Father
- He “never knew” them as His true sheep
- They practice lawlessness against the law of God (they are sinners)
We may see from this encounter a few things Jesus records as a warning to all who would come after:
- It is within the capacity of fallen humans to presume they are right with Jesus when they are not
- All their life they will assume their exceptional works in Christ’s name meant they were in good standing
- They had to have been following a form of the “Christian” faith that allowed for things God considered invalid because they call Jesus “Lord” and did works “in Your name,” they say to Him
- They were sure of themselves up until they were dismayed at Christ’s judgment seat
Jesus talked about the “many” deceived followers of Christ in a few places. Another is when the disciples asked Him about the end of the age in Matthew 24.
Matt 24 – 3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”
4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. …
11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.
12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved.
This “many” Jesus refers to shows us things we may learn:
In the years preceding Jesus’ return, there will be “many” who know the name of Christ and consider themselves followers/believers in Christ.
- Jesus says “Take heed that no one deceives you” indicating Jesus prophesied from the beginning there will be deceivers which speaks of the degradation of what began pure and in truth
- Jesus says the “many” deceivers will deceive “many” who will listen to them
- The many will wish to listen to someone they think speaks for Jesus
- They may even practice hero worship of preachers, and when they believe a man is actually “Christ” they will readily chase after this false Christ
- We may infer they are also those who would chase after a gifted preacher they think speaks for Christ
- This means they have no spiritual discernment
- They do not know a counterfeit from a false
- Jesus said in John 10 His sheep know His voice and flee from strangers, but these “many” all run after strangers believing in error that they are heeding the voice of the Lord
- At the end of the age, there will thus be “many” – a majority” who are not the “few”
- The “many” nonetheless will include those who consider themselves serious committed Christians who will even drop everything and run after someone they think is Christ
- These are people who think they want to hear from Christ, but do not know Christ
- Jesus said in John 17:3 eternal life is to know God, but these do not know Him but believe they do to some greater or less degree
- These are more dedicated to the name of Christ than average nominal Christians who are not likely to go chasing after anything but their own pursuits
In Matt 24:11,12 Jesus says. More about the “many.”
Matt 24 – 11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. 12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.
Jesus says just like the false Christs deceived “many,” so the “many” will be deceived by “many false prophets.” He goes on to say the “love of many will grow cold.”
From this we may see Jesus says:
- Among “many” who are smart enough to want to be called Christian (and escape hell, they think), “many” will be deceived by false prophets of God
- Jesus says there will be “many” false prophets at the end of the age speaking falsely in the name of Christ
- The false prophets will presume to tell the “many” deceived wanna-be Christ followers things they claim God has told them
- “Many” again will not have discernment to know truth from falsehood
- Jesus says “many” will follow false prophets just as they follow false Christs
- “Many” will readily chase false prophets declaring them true prophets
- The “many” could go through all the motions of group-think, validating one another in their deception
- They could believe they have found a true prophet (or Christ) and urge others to come join them
- They may defend their decision to follow a false prophet and say why they think he is true
- They may speak against others who say the prophet they are following is false
- They may defend wrong, and argue against or even persecute those who are right
- Jesus is speaking of times preceding the end of the age of humanity’s right to self rule
- Jesus is indicating that the church will be chock-full of wanna-be Christ followers
- These who may consider themselves dedicated, Jesus says, will have no more sense than to declare a false Christ as the true one, or a false prophet as a true one
Jesus says among these “many” wanna-be Christ followers, lawlessness will abound. Lawlessness means breaking and defying the holy laws of God.
Matt 24 – 12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.
Jesus said lawlessness will abound in the errant or pseudo-Christ followers and “the love of many will grow cold.”
These “many” will lose their love for God and fellow humans. (They love self over God.)
The lawlessness Jesus says will “abound” is NOT a reference to lawlessness by non-Christians of the world. The subject is Christ followers.
That which we may call the mainstream church of the “many” will have rampant lawlessness against the laws of God. These are they who have no more sense than to follow false leaders and who do not know the voice of Jesus.
They at the same time do know the NAME of Jesus and have many theological thought leaders and beliefs PROPPING THEM UP in their deception. This is what Jesus is saying!
Jesus is saying “many” calling themselves CHRISTIAN will be LAWLESS. This “many” is the same “many” false Christians of Matthew 7.
Compare Jesus’ assessment of “many” in the church at the end of the age –
Matt 24 – 12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.
Matt 7 – 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
There are volumes more proofs from the Bible to support assertions made, but this is just an exposition of what Jesus said of “many.”
Please pray over these statements and consider the Bible shows –
- Humans (of course) want to escape hell and go to heaven so “many” have sought to side with Jesus
- Christians have shown they will go to great lengths to prove their dedication and serve God, but few hear and obey Jesus’ voice to the degree Jesus called for
- Many have chased false leaders who will tickle their ears with palatable teachings
- False leaders may dumb down or falsify the faith and tout their teaching as harmonious with the Way to eternal life
- God is not fooled by the people who are themselves fooled
- Jesus warned of “goats” among the “sheep,” and “tares” among the “wheat”
- He warned of people speaking falsehoods in His name; a veritable industry of presumptuous thought leaders who are not guided by God but who are able to convince “many” people into believing they are
- He warned these things because He was predicting they would come and subvert would-be Christ followers
- Jesus states many will think they are right with God because they hold certain beliefs but they will be in error.
- They take confidence in their knowledge and/or works, but they do not know Jesus as the Bible says a true sheep must
- They of course will use the Bible as a basis for their beliefs, but somehow they are off base, missing the truth, not corrected by Jesus who would correct them of they could hear Him
- They may know much about God, but do not know God directly, personally on such a deep level as God says is the earmark of authenticity
This said, you will have no hard time finding a person who knows the Bible who may claim this article is off base. As noted, this is a time when “many” are so sure of themselves and blithely unaware; propped up in their beliefs.
Otherwise the plain teaching of Jesus’ words stands.
Pray to God and ask Him to guide you. That is always a good thing to do.

