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What is ‘Justification by Faith?’ – Sermon Audio

Christians base their lives on the teaching the apostle Paul explained called “justification by faith.”

This vital truth was brought to the forefront in 1517 by Martin Luther and the Reformers and has imprinted itself into the spiritual DNA of millions, even billions, since then to this day.

While justification – being made acceptable to God – is truly by faith, the whole meaning of what Paul was saying has been lost on some. Teachings arising from early understandings have permitted people to turn a blind eye to worldliness, willfully sinful lifestyles, and basically, not accomplishing what justification by faith is supposed to accomplish – fruit of the Spirit and the will of God.

Any teaching that short-circuits the whole purpose of God is not the gospel. God is not mocked, Paul also said. This lesson helps explain what Paul the apostle who has inspired so many was really trying to say. It all centers on the mission and purposes of the almighty God.

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you.