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My best friend Immanuel – audio sermon

There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother, and His name is Immannuel.

That was one of Jesus Christ’s prophetic names (Mt 1:23) meaning “God with us” and Colossians 1:27 also speaks of “Christ in you” to the Christian, and it is He who we are to know (Jn 17:3).

Though much more could be said, the Christian faith which is now splintered into so many sects that cannot agree on what the Bible exactly teaches on various hot-button issues is supposed to be lived in, and taught by Immanuel.

This is the promise of the New Covenant, that we would know God Himself (Heb 8:7-13), but this is not as easy as falling off a log. Indeed, if the “carnal mind” of humans – i.e., the religious intellect – leads the way instead of the “still small voice” of Christ Jesus, permutations in the Way arise.

Even worse, it stands to create an idolatry of celebrated ideas in which humans may contend over, put their trust in, instead of abiding in the living God.

Would that we all obeyed the Lord, knew and loved Him, received Him, and that He was our all in all.

Lord bless you!