Not a Christian?


We will update this page, as this website is just now being developed.

But for now, here are some random thoughts. Whether you are a believer in another religion, or an atheist, agnostic, or would think of yourself in some other way, you have the right to make your own choice. Some people “choose” through indecision, and really never make a solid conscious choice.

Whatever the case, and no matter where you are in life, or the world, the God who created this world, and all that is in it – including you – is calling to who ever can perceive Him.

Human beings are separated from actually having close fellowship with God because of a condition that exists in all of us known as sin.

God is actually love, and His nature is to love, and He does love. So much could be said about this, and it has been argued or disputed, but the Bible says also His ways are higher than our ways, and He operates according to spiritual laws that may not always seem fair, or make perfect sense to some people.

To others, they know they are somehow estranged from God, and some even know there is evil in the world, and they themselves are not innocent.

Jesus Christ came as the one perfect Man who lived, and – as an example of a high-above notion – He Himself was God, although He came as the Son to the Father, the Creator.

Although innocent, Jesus was sentenced to death after He offended and threatened the position of the religious leaders of His day. This happened despite the civil authority in charge (Pilate) wanting to let Him go.

Jesus was offered as a sacrifice for sin, and that is amazing. It was actually the will of God the Father for this Jesus to come and do this, and after He was crucified, God raised Him from the dead.

The Word of God records Jesus as saying, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me.”

In another place, He said He was the “door.” He is effectively a gateway for anyone who can see and believe this is so. He promises also that He places a new spirit in the person who believes and accepts Him as Lord.

It is this new spirit – the Holy Spirit – who makes Christians know they are not believing a delusion or fairy tale. Even before a person receives Jesus to be the Lord of their lives that same Spirit actually draws a person to know.

This is the love of God in action. He offers us a new life; a life of peace, and power on condition we repent of our sins, and are willing to follow Jesus as the Lord.

He gives Jesus’ disciples power to overcome – but this only works if Christians follow through and obey Him, and learn and believe what He did to set them free from themselves. It is true some people who call themselves “Christian” do not make good examples, but that is because they still have their own will – and they will be judged for their lives, whether what they do is good or bad.

As for God, He is only good! He is very good; and He is love, and He does love you no matter what anyone in this life besides says or does.

This website is mainly focused toward Christians who themselves need to learn more, but please understand: you are respected no matter who you are.

The way to God, however is through Jesus Christ. This can be twisted as to be an offense, but if you can see it as it is meant, it is actually love.

You are loved. God loved the world, and sent His only begotten Son that whosoever should believe on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The watchword is “believe.”

The Bible says “the just shall live by faith.” We are “justified,” or forgiven by God, and made acceptable by faith in His Son.

God wants people who will believe Him, and are open enough to learn more as they need to.

The Bible also says, “He who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

There is a reason why the faith of Jesus has endured over 2,000 years now. It is not superstition. It is because it is true.

Jesus makes Himself known to those who first believe. It does not work in reverse order.

God wants people to live by faith, but it is not only blind faith with no verification going forward. He does verify Himself and He does put a new heart in His people, and the Spirit Himself bears witness with those who believe God that they are children of God.

It is true, and He offers righteousness, peace, and joy. It is true! Believe it!

“My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you,” Jesus said.

Good comes to those who believe, but we must see things God’s way, and repent – have a change of heart, turn from our ways, and obey Him.

He deserves that. He made us. God bless you.