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Most Christians are dominated by their religious ‘fleshly minds’

A religious fleshly mind produces the perfect clone of a fruitful and authentic Christian life and most Christians have no idea how much they are affected by it.

Religious flesh is the root common denominator responsible for sinfulness and division, and, really, all that is and has ever been wrongly approved of by those who name the name of Christ.

This includes every false teaching in Jesus’ name since before the rise of the Roman Catholic church – and during the 1200 years of Catholicism’s lockhold on the faith in the western world through to the post-Protestant times up to today.

The religious flesh is why many who took the name of Christ, as Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-23, will come to Him on judgment day expecting to be accepted, and will instead be rejected to outer darkness and hell.

But what is religious flesh? Jesus Christ said in John 6:63 it is the spirit who gives life, the flesh profits nothing. He promised that those who obeyed God would receive the real Holy Spirit who would teach them, guide them, imbue into them a desire for holiness, love for Him and their neighbor, give them power over their sinful natures, and make them effective witnesses for His kingdom.

Inside of every Christian are two distinct identities: one the New Testament calls the “flesh” and the other the “spirit” which is the human made-alive spirit united with the Lord’s Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:17). The flesh is alternately called the carnal self, or old man, or natural man, and it stays within a born-again child of God for life in a struggle to the death over which will dominate – fleshly self or spiritual self.

The “flesh” is your natural mind, your natural feelings and sensibility enculturated by your upbringing in the world you have lived in. It is your default self, the one you have always known and more familiar to you. This flesh of yours is also well able to dominate your entire Christian life while you never even know it.

Colossians 2 – 18 Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in false humility and worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, 19 and not holding fast to the Head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with the increase that is from God.

The apostle Paul said a religious fleshly mind is useless but bold or proud enough to intrude into things of God which the presumptuous person has not seen with his or her spirit’s mind’s eye, and is not truly abiding in Christ.

The religious flesh is your natural self apart from the spirit. It is able to reason, think, conjecture, and act in the name of God. It is able to read the Bible, listen to teachings about God, attempt to worship or serve God, but it is acting on its own, and not brought under control by the spirit.

The religious flesh is thus the perfect counterfeit alter ego to a born-again Christian’s spiritual core identity. It can fake all experiences the Bible calls for including feelings of happiness or eternal security, a sense of God’s leading, an understanding of scriptures, and acceptance of teachings it thinks are supported by the Bible, and even enthusiasm, zeal or passion for what it believes.

Jesus Christ said if the light in you is darkness, how great is that darkness.

The way out “is come to Me,” Jesus said – and make sure the Jesus you come to is the real Jesus. Second Corinthians 11:4 says one may present a different Jesus, Spirit and gospel, and a born-again Christian may accept the substitute without realizing it.

The New Testament writings were largely warnings to make sure that the Jesus and Spirit you know are the real. The test is the fruit – the results of what you say you are living.

Proof that these words you have read are true can found in this link.

May the true Lord Jesus Christ bless you.