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Spiritual discernment in light of the original apostles’ doctrines – sermon audio

The world of Christianity is vastly different today than it was in the the first century when they were following the apostles’ doctrine (Acts 2:42).

The apostles were qualified as such in that they were eyewitnesses to Jesus Christ’s life, ministry, and resurrection. This combined with abundant foundational revelation from God and Christ’s acknowledgement of their preeminent status in His kingdom makes them an order of magnitude above the Protestant reformers such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, and, well, anyone before or since.

Revelation 21:14 says the names of the original 12 apostles (including Matthias who took the place of Judas Iscariot who fell) will be written on the foundation of the New Jerusalem! This is an exalted position and Ephesians 2:19-22 records the church is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets.


Matthew 19:28 – Jesus said to them, ‘Assuredly I say to you, that in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. …

Since Jesus Christ so highly approved of the original apostles, would it not be advisable to discover how accurately what we hold to be “the Christian faith” as we understand it aligns with their understanding?

If Christianity is today divided, and of questionable motives and testimony, it is because so many have deviated from the original spirit, way, and understanding of Christianity as practiced in the first century.

It must be stressed that after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost in Acts 2 these apostles received great and high-level understanding from God’s Spirit, and knew full well why they did what they did, and their practices were for eternal reasons, not cultural.

Some of the practices they maintained have since been relegated to the dust bin of history, and in so doing this fundamentally changed the flavor and aroma of the faith, as it were. In as much as there were spiritually significant reasons why they did things as they did in obedience to the Spirit’s leading, this is tragic. Any form of Christianity today that has abandoned apostolic-era practices that had eternal and spiritual value stands to suffer degradation of its effectiveness and honor to Christ.


Foundation of the Protestant Reformation vs. that of the original apostles

Today many people who name Christ may not even realize it, but they may be practicing a form of the faith based on a foundation begun in the 1500s AD by ex-Catholic priests like Luther, et al, who pored into the Bible attempting to fix Catholic false teachings.

In doing so, they restored some practices, but misunderstood much while failing to replicate all the practices from the first century when the apostles were defining the faith.

It must be reemphasized that some apostolic-era practices deemed antiquated or obsolete by those who’ve come since were actually in place for eternal and spiritual reasons – not just cultural or other transitory reasons.

Warning: This can become a most unpopular idea because apostolic practices and understandings they held from century one through the first 300 years stand to make 21st century Americans cringe. Some of these Christian practices and understandings would be deemed politically incorrect and sure to ruffle some tail feathers at least.

Today groups like the Anabaptists practice many of the original apostolic teachings, but we believe also in the gifts of the Spirit – not quite as modern Charismatics and Pentecostals understand them, but as the apostles would have to augment Christ’s kingdom goals.

So now, let us ask you: which do you value more? Your citizenship in the modern western world or the kingdom of God which is eternal and which follows a higher order?

What must be understood is the church was to replicate in spirit God’s rule in heaven, and His ways are higher than our ways. This world lives under a fallen sinful state and is under man’s rule. The Apostle John says actually the whole world lies under the sway of the evil one. By contrast the churches (assemblies) of Jesus Christ are to consist of God’s obedient ones – those who love Him and who have shed their identities of the world for the hope of a heavenly kingdom.

So, when we talk about topics like authority, headship, distinct male and female roles, baptism, whether one may remarry after divorce or not, serve in the military, or forfeit salvation, etc. – one ought to defer to what is known of the apostolic teachings.

What the apostles held to is well documented thanks to commentaries by early church leaders dating back to the first century.

The martyrdom of Polycarp, bishop of Smryna, 156 AD

Luther invented the ethic of “sola scriptura” (only the scriptures), and the early church also followed the scriptures. The thing is, the early Christians from the apostolic era through 300 AD did not cherry pick scriptures to derive new understandings. They also knew the oral tradition of what the apostles meant and taught on certain critical issues.

Principle: God honors those who honor Him. His purpose in bringing the Gospel was to create a testimony and spiritual lighthouses. Acts 17:6 records the original Christian faith “turned the world upside down.”

It did so by producing people of unimpeachable character by the power of God’s Spirit that defied human nature in an amazing way; many early Christians were marked by an unearthly love and care and way about them that won over even hardened pagans.

This audio sermon is an overview. It hits some but not all points. Much more could have been said to amplify and document points, but it packed into an hour and 16 minutes what it could.

It also contrasts today’s Protestants and Charismatics – some of which claim to have new apostles and prophets whose spirit effectively disagrees with the original apostles and prophets.

Our advocacy is God today is the same as ever, and those desiring God would do well to look further into what was the practice of those whose names will be on the New Jerusalem – not those of today whose names are only on their profitable ministries!

For those wanting purity of faith – and willing to be challenged – this is a good “test of the spirits” as God knows the gospel’s mission and does not contradict Himself.

We believe the Lord Jesus’ return is not far off, and He wants His bride ready. May you have the heart of a Berean.

Lord bless you.