A calling to true Christians to come out from worldliness, and be holy
Who is my God? He is the God of the Christians. His Son is named Jesus Christ.
All who fear Him should bow down before Him. Jesus is the firstborn of many brethren. He is the alpha and the omega. He is love, and He is a sharp sword. By Him the worlds were made, and this earth, and the seas, and all that are in them.
The faith of Jesus Christ was called The Way. It is truly the one way, but sadly it has been subverted – that is, schisms and factions and denominations have risen up contrary to the Spirit that founded it; the Spirit who gave Jesus His power, and who raised Him from the dead.
Do you worship God? Do you love Him? Does the spirit in you bear witness you are one of His own? If you have not this Holy Spirit, you are not His.
But beware, A tree is known by its fruits. Your works declare what manner of spirit you are of. This is not to say works save you; faith saves you, but “faith without works is dead.”
Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. All who fall on the Rock must be broken, or the Rock shall fall on you.
God says “be holy for I am holy.” Liberty is not a license to sin. Jesus Christ died on the cross to save us from sins. He was the just dying for the unjust. That which sent Him to the cross is never excusable. It may be forgivable, but liberty is not a cloak for vice.
Paul the apostle said the early Christians in his day were falsely accused of saying “let us do evil that good may come.” He said of those who said this their condemnation is just.
Christian! If you do not walk in the Spirit, and live a worldly life, the Lord calls you to repent. Seek Him while He may be found.
He is calling all those who are truly His to make their calling and election sure; to make their allegiance plain.
You cannot serve two masters. You will love one and hate the other.
God is a spirit. He is not a man that He should lie. He dwells in light inaccessible and He dwells in the hearts of those who are His.