God’s view of His people and the church – Ephesians 2 – Audio
The apostle Paul was chosen to deliver some poignant truths to the church that Jesus would build. The Ephesian epistle is full of deep riches for those who have a heart for them. May the Lord bless you.
When the ‘weakness’ of God is stronger than men – 1 Corinthians 1-2 – Audio
Christians would be well served to glean the fullness of what the Apostle Paul is saying in 1 Corinthians 1-2. Included in this is God is filtering for who really wants Him by a “foolish” message preached that is wiser than humans, and weakness that is stronger. Paul demonstrated the power of God’s Spirit, and His example is for us to learn from and believe God for. May the Lord bless you!
The Christian’s freedom from the law – Romans 7 – audio
Romans 6 teaches freedom from sin and Romans 7 builds on this teaching freedom from the law. Tha chap[ter also clearly expounds on the so-called “sin nature” which Paul the apostle calls the “law of sin.” This teaching merges elements the apostle brought to light from Romans 6,7 and 8 to give a picture of the normal Christian life. Lord bless you!