When the Christian church first received its power – Acts 1&2 – audio
The Book of the Acts of the apostles recounts how the church of Jesus Christ grew from a handful of unsure disciples to the faith “that turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). Written by the physician Luke, the account is invaluable. Here we get through the first couple of chapters with commentary and rabbit tangents as needed. Lord bless you!
Ephesians 1&2 and related topics studied – audio
The epistle to the Ephesians is directed to the local church at Ephesus, and is one of the more valuable New Testament books on the church. We actually did this as a repeat because it is of great value, and much related commentary on salvation and the local church are offered. Lord bless you!
How Christians May Be Bound in Mental ‘Strongholds’
In Second Corinthians 10 the Apostle Paul speaks of “strongholds” to describe mindsets in people which are like a fortress locking in falsehoods and keeping out the truth of God. These strongholds are thoughts, ideas, feelings, and the like which help give the person his/her identity, form a worldview of life, or the church, or God, Christ, the Christian life, etc. They may have come from your own reading of the Bible, or someone you trusted to tell you what the Bible says, or anywhere else. Thoughts that form a false picture of things pertaining to God make a person truth-resistant and not even know it. Indeed, they stand to…
How God tests our hearts and teaches those who will hear Him – audio
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the restoration of a broken relationship between God and His creation. He is vetting for who will hear Him; who really wants Him. He who loves us wants us, but we as humans prove whether we really want Him. He has committed to meet us more than half way, and is the power behind doing all He asks of us, but whether we really have faith is shown by how it all works out. This Bible study centered on 1 Cor. 1:18 through all of 1 Cor. 2 goes into this and much more, pulling many supporting scriptures in. It delves into the biblical…
Love your neighbor (effectively) as yourself
If you are a Christian, then this is a simple question for you: Do you believe that those who die outside of the Lord go to hell? And if you do believe this as the scriptures say, does that move you to always be aware of this reality in your dealings with others? Do you see this reality clearly? Is it clear as crystal all the time for you? Do you see people as the Lord Jesus sees them? Did you know it is not only possible, but it is a command, and vital, and is not an option? This is about life and death. We are alive today, and…