The negligence and consequences of the American Christians
Everything is breaking down in American culture because the churches never rose to the spiritual stature they were called to.
The Lord Jesus Christ calls all who take His name to exemplify His character, His ways and means. They are to have His Spirit as new creations and know His voice, and not follow a stranger. He promises to lead all such into the fulness of His will.
The Lord told His people they represent Him to the people of the world who do not know Him. He promised to empower them miraculously and the gates of Hades would not prevail against them as long as they were in this place of submitted obedience.
America was given unprecedented religious freedom. From the late 1700s onward, there was no earthly barrier to the Christians of this country to achieve their spiritual potential in Christ.
It has long been the practice of Christians to decry the sins of the sinners, and the evil of the evildoers. They practice apologetics to attempt to reason and prove Jesus is the Lord, and the Bible is true. What so many have not done is live what they say they believe.
Further, many have believed superficial false gospels of misapplied and redefined “grace” Many have been of the flesh and of this world in spirit while attempting to claim membership in a holy calling, and presuming to take the holy name of Jesus Christ.
A vast majority of people through all times who called themselves Christian did so primarily so as to align with what they perceived would be good for them. They served self primarily while claiming to serve Christ. Those who fit this description did so because they wanted what God was offering but did not care so much to find out and do what He was asking.
And among those who were ardent and sincere, many were waylaid. Many have been attacked and some subverted by Satan.
Satan is like a martial artist who uses the energy of his opponent against him. He exploits their vulnerabilities and knows how to use them for his own advantage better than they are even aware they have such vulnerabilities.
Seek the Lord while He may be found!