If you do not love God, you will seek to establish your own righteousness – an impossibility.
If you walk away from God, you will walk further and further away from common sense.
If you ignore God, you will be a fool, and descend into foolishness.
If you hate God, you are not wise, and will call foolishness your wisdom.
If you deny God, you will call evil good and good evil.
If you fail to honor God, you will call light darkness and darkness light.
If you do not seek God, you will live in confusion, bluffing others that you are not confused.
And do we not see all these things now everywhere in society? — From the highest echelons which are strongholds of darkness, to the lowest which are cesspools of darkness?
The world will be enslaved as it seeks liberation from God and liberation for itself apart from God.
This is because they rage against the truth: Humans are sinners, and Satan hates them and wants to control them.
Turn to God with your whole heart!