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God’s sense of urgency

The Bible says God sent Jesus Christ as the way to God and how many of God’s people have heard this but not let it sufficiently move them?

In 2015 the Centers for Disease Control reported U.S. deaths at 2,712,630 million – 86,212 more than in 2014 – and this works out to an average 7,462 U.S. residents died per day, every day in 2015.

How many of them died without Jesus? How many of them had heard the name “Jesus Christ” and had heard “Jesus saves,” but the words, though they passed through their minds, never sunk in with saving faith?

And, among Christians, or those who say they are, how many were moved by compassion for the people in their sphere? And beyond that, how many were actually spiritually useful to God in any deliberate, willful, conscious sense as sons and daughters in God’s hands?

Evil Prevailing

While Americans wring their hands over darkness increasing – and some morbidly focus on end times related topics as though waiting with popcorn in hand for the ultimate show of the pending antiChrist – who is answering the still small voice of the true Jesus?

This is not shown by what people say – for so many proclaim they are serving God – but wisdom is justified by her children, said Jesus. That is, the results prove what one believes because God always keeps His end of the covenant, and He is all powerful and committed to His children’s growth and effectiveness – even for His own name’s sake! (Eze 36:22).

SEE ALSO: Why did God send Jesus Christ?

As noted in the opener, God sent Jesus Christ. “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” He said. “No one comes to the Father but by Me.” He had also told His followers to be lights in a dark place, and later the apostles spoke of Christians expected to mature from that baseline measure that anyone who is born of the Spirit is privileged to know.

In other words, if anyone is sealed by the Holy Spirit he/she is passively a light but are you a dim light, a bright light, or a blazing white light? We are called to stir up the gift that is in us, and let faith have its perfect work which is to ultimately bring greater glory to God who wishes to save lives by first having His full way in our fully surrendered lives.

God says He has given His sheep all things that pertain to life and godliness, and that means He provided them all they need to live lives that bring great glory to Him. They are already equipped, but this is locked up in a vault for which faith is the only key. Faith, and obedience are actually required because we are supposed to be those who hearken to God’s voice and do His actual will, not what we presume.

Who wants all of God?

As noted, our discipleship is proven less by what we say and more by what is done. This is not at all a call to a “works-based” salvation one earns – Jesus did it all – but the gospel of grace provides those who take the call as God intended it as the means of empowering them to be all He desires.

God desires a testimony that goes far deeper than what one might say and that is shown by what one becomes. That is the brightest light and it brings true glory to God – and stands to capture the attention of the non-committed in your midst.

The bottom line is that Almighty God is still almighty! If one says he/she is a follower of this almighty God, how is that working for you? Is the great God coming through and showing His hand strong in you?

Do you hear His voice, do you wait at His feet in prayer often? Do you have power over your sin nature? Do you walk according to the Spirit? Do you place His kingdom priorities above all else? Do you love Him and your neighbor as yourself? Do you have His burdens? His desires? Do you know you need Him all the time on every occasion more than you need the air that you breath?

If you have His Spirit you should, or perhaps God is not able? Or perhaps God does not want to come through? Does God like to leave His children hanging?

Never! If the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead abides in you, what would He do, yes, what does He yearn to do if you turn to Him with your whole heart?

SEE ALSO: You must die to self in order to live in Christ!

Meanwhile, in the five minutes it might have taken to read this, 25 more U.S. residents went into eternity.

Life is short. Do you believe God and do you want all of Him? That is between you and Him, ultimately, but we all will be asked at the judgment seat of Christ what we did with the truth we thought we knew.

If we really know the truth, it is promised to make us free – free to serve, and the great God promises to back us. Wisdom is justified by her children.