Paul never meant to set the stage for ‘once saved always saved’ or lawlessness
If Jesus Christ is fully obeyed by a disciple, this is supposed to yield certain discernible results including no longer being self-directed and living in and according to the flesh. Holiness to the Lord is the purpose. Jesus in the gospels indicated His true followers are to go above and beyond what was generally possible for followers of God under the Old Testament times because He offers the Spirit, whereby we may “walk according to the Spirit.” POINT ONE – It is not optional or permissible under presumed grace – such as Martin Luther errantly taught – to walk habitually through life in the flesh, or according to the flesh.…
Jesus was a role model and living template for all Christians
The goal of the gospel: a mature son Jesus came to reproduce after His own spiritual kind. The following factors that were true of Jesus are to be true of a true Christian. With man these are impossible, but with God they are possible: (Note: a Christian is called to be toward Jesus and the Father in their right order as Jesus was to the Father). … · Jesus loved the Father and always wanted to do what the Father wanted · Jesus could never even begin to think of sinning because He knew this would hurt the Father’s heart · It was no hardship really, even if Jesus did…
If you do not love God, you will seek to establish your own righteousness – an impossibility. If you walk away from God, you will walk further and further away from common sense. If you ignore God, you will be a fool, and descend into foolishness. If you hate God, you are not wise, and will call foolishness your wisdom. If you deny God, you will call evil good and good evil. If you fail to honor God, you will call light darkness and darkness light. If you do not seek God, you will live in confusion, bluffing others that you are not confused. And do we not see all…
The negligence and consequences of the American Christians
Everything is breaking down in American culture because the churches never rose to the spiritual stature they were called to. The Lord Jesus Christ calls all who take His name to exemplify His character, His ways and means. They are to have His Spirit as new creations and know His voice, and not follow a stranger. He promises to lead all such into the fulness of His will. The Lord told His people they represent Him to the people of the world who do not know Him. He promised to empower them miraculously and the gates of Hades would not prevail against them as long as they were in this…
Disturbing parallels between post-apostolic Christianity and the unfaithful and faltering Old Testament Jews
If a testament were written beyond the New Testament chronicling “the church” since 100 AD, numerous unsettling parallels could be drawn between those who named Christ and the disobedient and unfaithful Old Covenant Jews. It is said hindsight is 20-20. And, it is historic fact that despite advantages over the Old Covenant granted by God and claimed in the post-apostolic age for the past 1900 years, many who called themselves Christ’s representatives failed to live up to God’s expectations in significant ways just as did the Jews. This article will show the root common denominator between failures in the Old Covenant era and New Covenant era, but first some qualifiers…