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Why do we live?

The topic of why we live, or “what is the meaning of life” could fill books, lead to long debate, but let’s settle it in brief with what the Bible says.

John said “eternal life is to know God,” and we are called to thus know Him, really, deeply, personally now and into eternity after we die.

The Word says also those who are Christians, or “in Christ” are new creations, and the New Creation is the focus of God’s attention.

A lot of so-called “carnal Christians” balance in and out of two worlds – the old creation – also known as the natural realm of realities as they are perceived in this life – and the new creation.

This is a compromise the Word says to shun. The Word says “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all else will be added to you.”

But who believes that? Who really practices that in the full weight in which the Lord once said?

Why do we live? We live to please God. Paul said “we make it our aim in all things to be well pleasing to Him.”

This is your mission statement, Christian, and anything whatsoever that detracts from that is a conflict of interest.

Of course the Christian life could just as well be called “mission impossible” as for humans – acting from a place of the old creation – it is impossible. It’s as impossible for New Testament Christians (who live after the flesh) as it once was for Old Testament Jews.

But with God all things are possible. If we will humble ourselves and give Him our best time seeking His face, He will lead us and guide us into the reality of this truth.

Paul said the Christians’ lives were “hidden with Christ in God.” This is a potent reality to those who know it.

To those who do not know it, or merely talk about it, it is at best a theory, and at worst a fiction or fantasy.

But it is the truth! Our lives can be so focused on the here and now – relationships, jobs, politics, the news, and a million other things that steal our attention.

But life is a test. What are your priorities? God, the creator of all, asks us to make Him our priority, and He will cause us to know Him ever better, and be more and more like Jesus.

This is why we live. Life is short. It is appointed to man once to die, and then comes the judgment.

Praise God, our loving God is reaching out His hands to those who will hear Him.