The church, God’s eternal will for His people, and Acts chapter 3 – audio
Here we pick up our study of the Book of Acts in chapter three, but with an overview of the all-important second chapter. As covered last week, this is when the Holy Spirit of God was poured out on Pentecost and the church took off in power. Many things pertaining to the church and the will of God are gone over in a relatively random discussion as the Spirit led. Lord bless you!
Ephesians 1&2 and related topics studied – audio
The epistle to the Ephesians is directed to the local church at Ephesus, and is one of the more valuable New Testament books on the church. We actually did this as a repeat because it is of great value, and much related commentary on salvation and the local church are offered. Lord bless you!
The Epistle of 1 John – Chapters 3 & 4 – Audio
After a hiatus, we’re back teaching on the first epistle of John. Aimed at the heretical Gnostics and Docetics, the epistle is like a litmus test for Christians. It is also a deep look at the heart of God. Lord bless you!
The Will of God
All human beings are hard-wired to have needs fulfilled in order to live in a state of comfort. Christians in particular are those called to have faith, see God’s hand, and believe Him in the context of their lives. They too need a form of “comfort” (or at least sense of purpose, etc.) in the context of their spiritual lives. The Bible says the highest purpose of the Gospel is that all glory goes to God. All of God’s creation is in rebellion. The more thoroughly we obey Him, the higher glory He receives in the overarching will of His plan of redemption and the kingdom of God. Do you…