The Christian’s incredible capacity to accept false assurance
In light of what the New Testament says, so many Christians fall woefully short of God’s will for them, yet may think all is fine. It is possible for a Christian to think that all is well when nothing is as it should be. It is possible to be so sure that one will correct or call out other Christians they perceive are in sin or error, and yet they themselves are blind to many errors, or sins, or hold lies as truth mixed in with their overall understanding of the faith. The proof of these statements come from Jesus Christ. He said test by fruit. We are told to…
Do you really love Jesus Christ? – Sermon audio
Jesus said a Christian’s love is proven by our responses to what He says. In America, the gospel is taught in more flavors than Baskin Robbins ice cream. Many are taught a level of “love” more in line with what the Protestant Reformers set the stage to allow for – or what modern society allows for – rather than what the New Testament fully teaches. The quality and measure of a Christian’s love for God is found out by the true test which is described in the New Testament. This audio (divided into two parts) talks about this for anyone who wants all of God. Lord bless you.