Healing in a Christian world of disarray
Man was made to live in God’s presence, in the Garden of Eden, and ever since Adam and Eve were ejected, independently minded and fallen mankind has been trying to make do. God made us to be dependent upon Him, to walk in divine health, not be sick, or depressed, or sad, or know death, strife, grief, turmoil. Through Israel He proposed a covenant whereby if they would hearken diligently to His voice, He would make them a showcase people, a model nation, and great and abundant blessings would come upon His people as a testimony to all – and as an offer to all to come join them, and…
Why do Christians live?
We who name the name of Christ do so for God’s good pleasure. Many people emphasize aspects of the whole truth, but the Word of God covers many things important to God that fall under the overarching dictate of surrender to His will. That is, God’s creation – man and the fallen angels – have rebelled, become independent in their minds and thoughts, and redemption is a restoration of man to obedience. The devils cannot be saved for they knew God and rebelled to his face, whereas man is born under sin in Adam. Rom 5:12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin,…
Walking According to the Spirit is not Optional
Anyone who is born again has been given a new faculty whereby he/she may know God, hear His voice from within, be led and empowered by Him, and it is essential this, your spirit, be catered to. This made-alive spirit, united as one with Jesus Christ’s Spirit, is who God addresses when He gives commands, instructions, comforts, and all communications from the Bible. God is dealing with us as new creatures, and to cultivate this reality from Day One of coming to Christ is God’s will, and there is no life outside of it. Eph 2:1-6 – And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, 2…
Don’t Try To Be a Christian Without Christ!
When He was preparing to go to the cross, Jesus Christ told His disciples it was needful that He go away for He would send them His own Spirit to guide, teach, and empower them. John 16:7 – Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you. Here is the word from the Top, and knowing the fullness of the Holy Spirit (the “Helper”) as the Bible fully teaches we are to know is not optional! To some, this article’s…